Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Bit About This Project

I've been dying to write a post-apocalyptic story and haven't really been able to start.
I'm hoping this will help me.
I would love to do a Utopian/Dystopian theme but I'm literally incapable of figuring out a good one that really pulls people in.
I love zombie stories. I don't know why. The idea of that actually happening makes my brain tick.
After watching The Walking Dead I kept having these recurring dreams (and day-dreams) about what my family would do if something like that ever happened.
Part of me would love to live on a farm and work for our food, take care of animals, live by candlelight, and trade for the things we don't produce ourselves.
But I also love the modern conveniences of the internet, washing machine, and cars.
I must say that we would at least be partially prepared considering we cloth diaper our small people.

In my opinion, if disaster were to strike, the people who hunt would obviously be the ones to make it since it's a skill they already have. Which a majority of hunters are pretty well off.
The poor wouldn't make it probably, not because they don't know hardship but because they (we) lack the basic skills like hunting that so many people that are well-off have.
My family might be okay since we have a few fishers and the equipment for it, so long as the lakes, streams, etc. isn't compromised as well.
I don't know how I will start this really.
I don't know if I will share it either.
I do know that I need an outlet to write and this seems like the best way for me.

Oh, I may make another blog to showcase the stories my fiance and I are creating for our daughter with her sight words.
He's the writer for that one and I'll be tracing pictures and illustrating it the best that I can (I'm no artist).

Until the first installment, I leave you with a question (if anyone is out there that is). Please answer in the comments!

If disaster struck, what would your plan be? Get out of the city, find some nice farmland? Stay in the city and loot houses?

Research will commence soon, I may end up watching every single post-apocalyptic movie/show out there.


  1. I'd stay in the city until I had no other choice, hoping till the very end that someone would fix everything. I just don't think my brain would accept that society as I knew it had come to an end and things would never go back to normal. I would expect someone to find a cure or to send in the military or something to rescue everyone.

    Yeah ok, I would probably die.

    I think that's the honest answer though. I know people always talk about having a plan for the Zombie Apocalypse, and I've spent my fair share of time thinking about the best thing to do in such an event...but I think that if the real thing were to happen I wouldn't believe that it was the real deal...because that only happens in movies and I would trust that everything would be ok in the end.

    It's kind of like how fire alarms were at school back when you were a kid, ya it was exciting the first few times but after a while whenever you hear the alarm you just kind of lose the ability to take it seriously because it's PROBABLY not a real fire. That's how it would be for me. I would treat it like Hurricane Katrina or swine flu or Y2K or Ebola. I would just think...I'm sure it's not as big of a deal as everyone is making it out to be, or I'm sure we will find a cure/fix it...because I've grown up in this society that is constantly crying wolf.

    If the real thing were to ever happen...I wouldn't believe it until it was too late.

  2. You've got to be kidding me. I just wrote the longest comment ever and it asked me to log in to preview it. I did and now my comment is gone. FML. I spent like half an hour on this! GRRRRRR
