Monday, November 2, 2015

The Giver (Movie)

I have finally watched The Giver. I was skeptical and scared at first. I had read things about it that made me think they had done the book some disservice but it was beautiful in my opinion.

I love the way they did the coloring in the movie. To have it start out in black and white and slowly transition to color made my heart happy. I especially loved it when Jonas left the Community and we saw it in black and white again until they received his memories.

I had the same emotions towards Gabe that I had in the book. The fear that something bad would happen to him was almost overwhelming at times. The scene where Jonas' father "releases" the smaller twin was heartbreaking.

Brenton Thwaites (Jonas) was brilliant in it. I was impressed with his acting since I hadn't heard of him before. Seeing his joy, sadness, outrage, and love was very well done. I loved it when he was trying to figure out the words for things. The look on his face after he says "snow" was adorable.

I'd watch it again for sure. It was rather enjoyable and complimented the book nicely. It also didn't end with me wondering as to their fate, I have yet to read past Gathering Blue so I wasn't aware of the goings ons of their lives after the end of The Giver. I'm glad I have closure from an ambiguous ending that had been on my mind for something.

Have you seen The Giver? What was your favorite part and why?